Compassionate, confidential medical care on campus
浩博体育app 的学生健康中心与盖辛格医学中心合作,提供欢迎服务, safe and supportive environment with high-quality care.
健康中心团队由一名医疗提供者和专业护士组成,他们可以预约看病, 物理考试, women’s and men’s health issues, preventive care and more. 我们的办公室协调员帮助回答学生关于文书工作、保险和账单的问题.
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.中午 1–4:30 p.m.
Closed on weekends and school breaks.
Medical Emergencies
For an emergency, call 911.
非工作时间和周末的非紧急医疗建议,请致电570-372-4385. You will be connected to Geisinger’s nurse triage service. (appointments are only booked during center hours )
Schedule an Appointment
Walk-in visits are discouraged. Call ahead during center hours to schedule an appointment.
Medical records and forms
所有即将入学的学生必须在抵达校园之前通过录取的河鹰门户网站向浩博体育app 学生健康中心提交所需的健康文件. 请参阅以下填写医疗记录要求的说明.
学生健康 & Wellness Reporting Form (Note: 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 vaccination is encouraged to be up to date; it is no longer required)
页1 - 3 :使用adobereader完成这些页面,并将其保存为新的PDF文件到您的计算机.
4 - 5页 : NCAA student-athletes must complete these pages using Adobe Reader.
页6 - 8 :
Print and schedule a physical exam with your home medical provider. NOTE: If you have had a physical within one year of 6月30日, of the year you are entering SU, you can ask your medical provider to complete the physical (page 6), the TB Risk Assessment (page 7) and the immunization record (page 8).
Completed pages 1–8 : Upload all eight pages of the PDF into the 河鹰门. Do not email the form.
Upon confirmation that all required pages are completed and uploaded, 表格将在河鹰门户核对表上标记为已收到.
Contact the 学生健康 Center at 570-372-4385 or for assistance with forms.
免疫接种 as noted on the 学生健康 & Wellness Reporting Form:
Required 免疫接种
MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Strongly Recommended 免疫接种
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Meningococcal Vaccine (Serogroup B)
For more information, visit the CDC immunizations website or contact the 学生健康 Center at 570-372-4385 .
For Parents/Guardians (学生 Privacy)
In compliance with HIPPA laws, 披露学生的私人和个人健康信息需要得到学生的书面许可. 家长和法定监护人可以打电话给学生健康中心询问广泛的问题.
After students move in, 他们可以打电话给学生健康中心预约并签署病历释放表. 合法, and to ensure that students are not being coerced, 学生需要在父母或法定监护人不在场的情况下签署同意书.
Medical Records Release Form
Services and medications
的 学生健康 Center offers preventative and primary care, 提供医疗建议,并携带最常用的处方药. 我们鼓励学生保留自己的非处方药供应. Most care requires an appointment. 学生s are welcome to stop in for medical pamphlets, sexual health material or other available items.
Allergy Injections (call for details; current students can visit myNest )
Ambulatory healthcare
Flu vaccine services
Health and wellness programming, including the 学生健康 Fair
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) testing and consultation
HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine) consultation
Medical equipment loans (crutches, wheelchair, nebulizer)
Medication services (call for detailed list)
Tuberculosis screening
Prescribed Medications
学生健康中心按成本价购买基本处方药. Those savings are passed on to our students. Most medications are less than $25.
Instead of billing insurance, 学生健康中心对中心分发的药物收取少量费用, 哪些费用可以直接记入学生的SU账户或在现场用信用卡支付.
学生不需要通过学生健康中心购买药物. 学生可以要求州立大学的医疗服务提供者将处方发送到他们选择的药房.
学生健康中心的医疗服务提供者不会开ADD/ADHD药物. 有多动症或慢性疾病处方的学生应该通过家庭医生保持处方的最新状态.
Over-the-counter Medications
学生健康中心免费为学生提供数量有限的非处方药, typically enough to last a few days.
学生应该保持个人的非处方药供应. 的例子 medications to pack 包括, 对乙酰氨基酚, 布洛芬, cold/flu/allergy medication, cough medication/drops, antacids and wound-care products.
的 苏书店 位于德根斯坦中心的下层,里面有非处方药.
Some services with added fees 包括 Tuberculosis skin testing (PPD), 从健康中心分发的处方药和一些身体检查. 大多数与费用相关的药物或服务都是25美元或更少.
学生 Benefit Package
EIIA Benefit Package for 学生s
浩博体育app 的所有全日制本科生都要支付健康中心费用. 这笔费用包括所有Visit学生健康中心和最频繁订购的实验室测试, 比如单声道测试, strep (throat) cultures, 流感拭子, sexual health tests and a single-view chest x-ray.
医学测试, 由SU学生健康中心医疗服务提供者订购的程序和转诊,不包括在福利计划中,将从学生的私人健康保险中收取费用.
Private Health Insurance
学生s should have private health insurance, 尽管萨斯奎哈纳不要求学生出示保险证明.
对于学生和家长/监护人来说,了解他们的私人医疗保险计划在当地如何运作是很重要的. 许多私人保险公司为上大学的受抚养子女提供“离家”套餐.
在学生健康中心无法处理的事故和疾病很少发生, 但它们确实会发生, 学生们应该准备好这方面的保险. 的re are two area hospitals: